News and Information Archive
October was National Disability Employment Awareness Month
The Council offers numerous educational materials and resources about employment and employment issues, and success stories that highlight what can be achieved when employers and delivery systems work together to increase the employment of individuals with developmental disabilities. Take advantage of the listed items to review and/or refresh your knowledge and understanding about employment. (10/5/15)
Annual Minnesota Autism Conference: The Autism Society of Minnesota held its 20th annual conference April 29 to May 2, 2015 at the Minneapolis Park Place Hotel. Breakout sessions covered a broad range of topics, exhibits, and a bookstore with book signings by local authors was featured.(4/2/15)
Governor Mark Dayton proclaimed the week of December 3 – 7, 2012 as Inclusive Schools Week in Minnesota. (Updated 11/27/12)
The Arc Minnesota 2012 Annual Conference was held on November 16-17, 2012 at the Crown Plaza Suites, Mall of America. United States District Court Judge Donovan Frank delivered the keynote on Saturday morning, and Anne Barry, Department of Human Services delivered the keynote on Friday morning. Both presenters framed their presentations around the Conference theme, "A New Vision for Action." Registration deadline was October 31, 2012. (Updated 10/23/12)
25 Years of Partners in Policymaking! On May 10, 2012, the Partners in Policymaking program celebrated its 25th Anniversary, a quarter century of leadership training that began here in Minnesota, teaching self advocates and parents about the power of personal and group advocacy, and best practices in the field, to change the way people with developmental disabilities are supported, viewed, taught, live, and work. With 850 Partners graduates in Minnesota, 21,000 Partners graduates in the United States, and 2,000 Partners graduates internationally, important issues have been confronted and dramatic changes have been made. The Partners network will expand and be strengthened in the years ahead, and this work will continue. (Updated 5/1/12)
The Minnesota State Council on Disability and the Metropolitan Center on Independent Living cosponsored a Town Hall Meeting on Olmstead in Minnesota. This meeting was held on Tuesday, May 8, 2012 from 9:00 a.m. to 12 Noon via video conference and web stream at 15 locations throughout the state. (4/18/12)
In 2010, the Disability Services Division, Minnesota Department of Human Services, implemented a statewide Participant Experience Survey for individuals receiving home and community based services under the state's four waiver programs. Survey results are contained in this report. (12/21/11)
At the December 1, 2011 Fairness Hearing before United States District Court Judge Donovan Frank, the METO Settlement Agreement was accepted. Judge Frank issued the official Order on December 5, 2011. In this first videotaped interview with Shamus O'Meara, counsel for the Plaintiffs in the METO class action lawsuit, he talks about his decision to take the case, the legal issues involved, and some of the critical aspects of the Settlement Agreement, including the focus on staff training around person centered planning, and the establishment of both an Olmstead Committee and Rule 40 Committee. (12/8/11)
On December 1, 2011, United States Federal District Court Judge Donovan Frank will hold a Fairness Hearing regarding the Jensen Settlement Agreement in the METO lawsuit. A new feature and website section includes interviews with several individuals, including self advocates, about their perspectives on the lawsuit and Settlement Agreement, and expected reform efforts; and related documents. See the feature on the Council home page with links to the interviews and METO documents. (11/4/11)
A community event featuring Dr. Patrick Schwartz was held on Tuesday evening , December 6, 2011, at the Bloomington Civic Plaza in Bloomington, MN in celebration of Inclusive Schools Week. Dr. Schwartz sees possibilities for everyone in every environment. He will motivate and energize you to think with him, draw on an individual's strengths, and convert your imagination to reality. Reservations required – seating is limited. (Download brochure) (11/02/11)
On June 23, 2011, United States District Court Judge Donovan Frank signed an Order granting preliminary approval of a $3 million Class Action Settlement in the METO lawsuit.
The Settlement Agreement and related court documents are available for review.
METO Class Action Settlement Agreement Claims Process
METO Settlement Agreement Summary of Key Points
(Updated 8/10/11)
National Weather Service Flood Warning: As Minnesotans prepare for the possibility of flooding in their communities, it is critical that people with disabilities and seniors prepare as well. According to the National Organization on Disability (NOD), "To be better prepared as a nation, we all must do our part to plan for disasters. Individuals with or without disabilities can decrease the impact of a disaster by taking steps to prepare BEFORE an event occurs." Additional information regarding emergency preparedness/personal responsibility and the list of contact numbers for county emergency management directors may also be helpful. You may want to contact them if you have questions regarding your specific area. (3/17/11)
State Seeks 'Champions of Assistive Technology"
Nominations were being accepted for the 2011 Excellence in Assistive Technology Awards. Awards presentation is April 5 at State Capitol; nominations deadline is Feb. 25. (2/2/11)
Temple Grandin, celebrated author, whose life story was presented in a recent HBO movie that won seven Emmy Awards, was the keynote speaker at a conference held on February 17, 2011 at 3M in Maplewood. This conference was planned by the Autism Society of Minnesota in partnership with conference sponsors 3M, Best Buy, and Cargill. (10/22/10)
All Hands On Deck is a biennial Policy Advisory of the Governor's Workforce Development Council (GWDC). The most recent Policy Advisory, issued on November 18, 2010, contains two recommendations for Expanding Work Opportunities for Minnesotans with Disabilities. These recommendations were prepared by an Employment Workgroup of the GWDC. (12/9/10)
The September 2010 issue of The Federal Lawyer includes a section on Disability Law, a profile of United States District Court Judge Donovan Frank, and two articles on disability related topics. (10/5/10)
Document Imaging Training Modules
Based on eight years of experience in learning the concept of document imaging, this series of training modules will help you to learn the "how to's of document imaging," replicate the concept, and promote the employment of individuals with developmental disabilities in scanning/document imaging positions in a wide range of business fields. (10/20/10)
The Office of Enterprise (OET), under the leadership of Gopal Khanna, Chief Information Officer, has issued a Policy Directive regarding a new Accessibility Standard that is applicable to all State of Minnesota information systems, tools, and information content. (9/3/10)
Milestones in Disability History Since the Enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act: On this 20th Anniversary of the ADA, this timeline includes significant court rulings, federal and state legislation, and events that have advanced the civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities. (8/3/10)
In an interview, US Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun (1908 – 1999) speaks about his impressions of state institutions dating back to the Pennhurst case. (7/16/10)
Minnesotans of all abilities from across the state are invited to the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on Monday, July 26, from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Nicollet Island Pavilion, 40 Power St., Minneapolis. The event is free and open to the public. (6/28/10)
Samuel Bagenstos, US Department of Justice, discusses disability and integration from a civil rights perspective and the broad application of the US Supreme Court’s Olmstead decision. (PDF) (3/11/10)
Cable Channel 12 Business Beat featured a news segment on Innovative Business Award Honoree Golden Valley Byerly's. (8/31/09)
Cable Channel 12 Business Beat featured a news segment on Innovative Business Award Honoree Noble Parkway Mobil. (7/17/09)
The Minnesota Assistive Technology Advisory Council and STAR (System of Technology to Achieve Results) Program are soliciting nominations for awards to recognize Minnesotans who excel in the area of assistive technology (AT). The STAR Award for Excellence in Assistive Technology recognizes outstanding individual and organizational efforts in the use, promotion and advocacy, support, research and development, and other aspects of AT in Minnesota.
The Nomination Narrative, Criteria, and Nomination Form are available on the STAR web site at This information is also available in alternative format upon request. If you have questions or would like the nomination materials mailed to you, please call 651-201-2640. The awards ceremony will be held in the Capitol Rotunda on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. A reception will follow in the Great Hall of the Capitol. (2/2/09)
At the December 3, 2008 meeting of the Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities, United States Representative Jim Ramstad shared some of the highlights and challenges of his 18 years of service in Congress to the citizens of Minnesota. His leadership, commitment, and dedication to people with disabilities was unfailing and reflected in public policies that would truly make a positive difference in the lives of people with disabilities. Congressman Ramstad’s presentation is available for review as well as opening remarks by Council Chair, Shamus O’Meara. (12/10/08)
Ryan Dolan, formerly State of Minnesota Demographer’s Office, discussed the upcoming 2010 Census, how it will be conducted, specific challenges, and how to become involved with members of the Council’s Public Policy Committee on December 3, 2008. His presentation offers some valuable information about this census and why it is so critically important that everyone is indeed counted in 2010. PDF (12/8/08)
"Innovative" businesses honored for going the extra mile to hire people with developmental disabilities: The Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities has honored 11 Minnesota businesses for using innovative approaches to employing Minnesotans who are developmentally disabled. The 11 businesses were among 45 Minnesota employers nominated for the recognition. (10/10/08)
MarketResponse International conducted a nominations process to identify Minnesota businesses that are using innovative employment practices in hiring people with developmental disabilities and promoting an inclusive work environment. Forty-five nominations were received and 11 businesses were selected. On October 1, 2008, these employers and their employees were recognized. Profiles of the businesses are available in several formats: PDF Text Only Press Release (PDF)
Employment Honorees Photo Presentation: PDF
Information Technology Insights Focus Groups: In May 2008, six focus groups were conducted by Bill Harreld, Quality Culture Institute, to learn how youth with and without disabilities are accessing and using technology, and their perspectives on the future of technology based on predictions that Bill Gates made in 2007. A total of 88 young adults participated in the focus groups. (9/23/08)
The State of Minnesota, recognizing the ability of many people with developmental disabilities to perform effectively in document imaging positions, has awarded contracts to several firms that regularly employ people with such disabilities for that work. Read full release… (8/11/08)
A new page has been added that will feature Council-Sponsored Grant Activities. Using words and photos, this page will include such topics as Self Advocacy, Partners in Policymaking®, Cultural Outreach Programs, Family Support 360, and Training Conferences. Self Advocacy Minnesota (SAM) is the current feature. (7/2/08)
The Changing Face of Technology has received a 2008 Silver Award in the international Summit Creative Awards competition, which attracted entries from more than 50 countries. The video, designed to encourage employers to consider hiring people with developmental disabilities for jobs in document imaging, was produced for the Council by The Wallace Group. (5/5/08)
Video: The Changing Face of Technology: Document Imaging Meets the Challenge – Customer expectations, the demand for greater efficiencies, and cost control are driving businesses to rely upon advanced technologies for solutions; and an increasing number of people with developmental disabilities are filling document imaging positions. (8/25/07) Web Site Offers Easy Starting Point for State Government Disability Resources: Beginning June 21, 2007, Minnesotans have a single source on the Internet — — for quick and easy access to state government-agency programs, products and services dedicated to disability issues. (6/21/07)
FFY 2007 Training Conferences Cosponsorship Funds Awarded — Nineteen Minnesota organizations were recently awarded cosponsorship funds for training conferences. The conferences provide opportunities for participants to learn about best practices, and develop or strengthen their personal leadership skills.(5/11/07)
The Arc of Minnesota, The Autism Society of Minnesota, Self Advocates of Minnesota, The State Council on Disability, and United Cerebral Palsy of Minnesota are major partners in this effort.
On February 22, 2007 the results of the opinion poll were released. PDF and text.
This is the final version of the 1962-2007 Public Opinion Poll and includes the Attitudinal Segmentation Analysis. PDF and text. (2/22/07)
Ivan Lewis, Member of Parliament, spoke in the House of Commons on January 23, 2007 about inclusion and children with disabilities, and referenced the Partners in Policymaking program. (1/25/07)
- Governor Pawlenty declared October 28, 2006, the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities Day, on the Council's 35th Anniversary.
- Governor Pawlenty presented Council Chair Shamus O'Meara with Certificate of Recognition
The world of autism takes center stage in Mixed Blood Theatre's world premiere production of Vestibular Sense, playing November 3–26 in the Alan Page Auditorium of the company's historic firehouse theatre. (10/9/06)
Pathways Center IPSII, Inc. is a nonprofit organization comprised of people with disabilities and their families. Under a youth leadership grant from the Administration on Developmental Disabilities, IPSII, Inc. offers a leadership training program for young African American youth to increase their opportunities for employment. An online youth center, "Pathways Center," explains the program and provides links to other information and resources of interest to young adults with developmental disabilities. (9/1/06)
"The Economics of Imaging" (Video) – Digital imaging is a win-win solution for businesses that need to find a cost effective way to manage their business records and hiring people with developmental disabilities to do imaging work contributes to the success of this business venture. Learn about the savings, the benefits, and the future of digital imaging from government and private sector businesses that have hired people with developmental disabilities in digital imaging positions. (7/21/06)
"Creating the Possible" (Video Excerpt) A young adult shares his personal story, and how the services and supports that best meet his individual needs were identified through a person-centered planning approach, in this excerpt from a DVD made available from Circles Network in the United Kingdom. (7/21/06)
ServeMinnesota Urges Minnesotans With Disabilities To Consider Americorps Service: People with disabilities who have a desire to give back to the community, gain career skills and earn financial support for education are urged to consider joining AmeriCorps in Minnesota for the 2006-2007 service year. The appeal comes from ServeMinnesota, the nonprofit agency that administers the AmeriCorps program in the state. Often referred to as the “domestic Peace Corps,” AmeriCorps offers opportunities for people age 17 and older from all walks of life to serve communities. (6/26/06)
Computerworld Honors Program Recognizes State Government Reform Initiative and Digital Document Imaging Program: The Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities extends our CONGRATULATIONS to the Department of Human Services on receiving an award from the International Computerworld Honors Program for its digital imaging project and hiring people with developmental disabilities to do this work. The success of this project can be attributed to an exemplary employer-employee partnership. We also want to thank Bill Harreld, Quality Culture Institute; Katie Engler, Department of Administration Information Policy Analysis Division; and Sherie and Roy Wallace, The Wallace Group, for their commitment and support of this project from concept to design to reality. (6/22/06)
Press Release
Computer World / Dept. of Humans Services Award (PDF)
Mental retardation does not lessen the likelihood a patient will benefit from a kidney transplant, suggests a study by Ohio State University researchers. Steven Reiss, co-author of the study and professor of psychology and psychiatry at Ohio State University, reviewed published cases worldwide dealing with kidney transplants. (6/21/06)
NASDDDS Handbook on Inclusive Meetings and Presentations – This Handbook provides guidelines to help assure that self advocates can participate in meeting discussions and contribute in meaningful ways by expressing their own points of view. (3/6/06)
The Minnesota Department of Education, Office of Compliance and Assistance, has issued an overview of procedural safeguards for Minnesota parents with children who are receiving special education services. Please note that this is for Minnesota only. (10/14/05)
"Workers with disabilities get a boost from digital conversions" – An October 6, 2005 Minneapolis Star-Tribune article spotlights the document conversion project at the Minnesota Department of Human Services. (10/07/05)
For legislative alerts and updates, please visit The Arc of Minnesota web site at (6/01/05)
The Department of Human Services and Olmsted County report successful digital document imaging projects employing persons with developmental disabilities. (6/01/05)
On April 6, 2005, the Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities awarded funds to local self advocacy groups so that self advocates could attend a conference, host a conference, work with other cultures, or make a speech or teach other self advocates about self advocacy. (4/15/05)
Human Services Research Institute has issued a Status Report on Litigation Concerning Home and Community Services for People with Disabilities. This periodic report provides up-to-date information about lawsuits concerning Medicaid community services for people with developmental and other disabilities. (3/10/05)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education (IDEA) Act Guide to Frequently Asked Questions(PDF) summarizes the changes that were made to IDEA as a result of the recent reauthorization. (Text Version) (3/1/05)
The Minnesota Citizens Form on Health Care Costs released its final report, Listening to Minnesotans: Transforming Minnesota's Health Care System, on February 23, 2004. Click here to download a copy of the report. (6/30/04)
A Summary of Town Hall Meeting Notes, Themes from the Town Hall Meetings, and the results of a Minnesota Health Care Opinion Poll Study document some of the work the forum has accomplished to date to address this critical issue. (6/30/04)
Former U.S. Senator from Minnesota David Durenberger delivered a presentation to the DD Council on health care costs on June 2, 2004 and his presentation is available in PDF format. (6/30/04)
People with disabilities encounter both blatant and subtle forms of discrimination when seeking organ transplants. This document is a supplement to an article, "Running the Transplant Gauntlet," that appears in the December 2004 issue of Exceptional Parent. (12/2/04)
NPR: "Brown v.Board: Disabled Children" Prior to the 1970s, children with disabilities seeking education could not attend public schools and were either sent to private schools or state institutions and lived there under horrible conditions. Lawyers went to court using the Supreme Court's Brown v. the Board of Education decision, and argued that children with disabilities deserved the same equal education that black children won years earlier. (5/13/04)
Digital Imaging to Employ People with Developmental Disabilities and the Records Management Handbook provide information for digital imaging employment projects. (3/04)
Governor Tim Pawlenty has announced the appointment of Margaret Fletcher-Booth, Sheryl Larson, Shamus O'Meara, Dan Reed, Jim Varpness and Jerrold Wood to the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities. (02/09/04)
From May 2002 to August 2003, the Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities piloted a digital imaging project. During this time, 18 people with developmental disabilities (view portrait) successfully scanned more than 27,000 pages of Council records and historical documents. This experience has been converted to a package of information about digital imaging – a Records Management Handbook and Digital Imaging to Employ People with Developmental Disabilities. (PDF format) (12/29/03)
An Interview with Ed Roberts, internationally recognized as the father of the independent living movement, founder of the World institute on Disability, and Director of the California Department of Rehabilitation (1975-1983). This interview appeared in California Monthly magazine in February 1985, and is a download in PDF format. (7/16/03)
The Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities celebrated its 30th anniversary in October 2001. Our annual report for FFY 2001 includes a 30-year retrospective, highlighting the Council's contributions to making a difference in the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families. (8/15/02)
The Minnesota Department of Commerce, in partnership with the Legal Services Advocacy Project, invites you to a "Listening Post" session designed to provide you with current information on federal and state telephone assistance programs, and to listen to your thoughts on how to let others know about these programs. Two identical sessions are planned for September 10 & 11. (8/02)
Governor Appoints Twelve to Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities (February 21, 2002, St. Paul, MN) Governor Jesse Ventura today announced the appointments of Ella Gross, Emily Knight, Nina Mae Moss, Jeffrey Skwarek, Virginia Smith and Sarah Thorson and the reappointment of David Dunn, Anne Henry, Sharon Heuring, Steve Larson, Ordean Rosaasen and Thomas Schwartz to the Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities. In addition, the governor also reappointed Jackie Mlynarczyk chair of the council. (2/21/02)
The video photo essay on Willowbrook State School in NY, by William Bronston, M.D. has been adapted as an online slide show. (10/19/01)
The Minnesota Governors Council on Developmental Disabilities was seeking applications from people with developmental disabilities and parents of children with developmental disabilities to serve on the 25-member Council. Applications were due before Dec. 1, 2001. (10/15/01)
The Council has issued an informative Executive Summary of its Five Year Plan outlining its mission and goals. (10/10/01)
"What We Learned About Customer Satisfaction": A report on the process the Council used to evaluate the satisfaction/dissatisfaction levels of people with developmental disabilities and their families with government services and IIPI. (8/20/01)
Biet Issie Shapiro in Israel, a non-profit organization providing services for people with developmental disabilities and other special needs and their families, is hosting their Third International Conference on Developmental Disabilities in July of 2002. (8/3/01)
Cosponsorship funds for training conferences were awarded at the April 4, 2001 Grant Review Committee meeting. Conference Title: "Music for Social Change", May 26, 2001. (4/09/01)
Governor Jesse Ventura announces the appointments of Ann Zick, Patricia Tietz, Bonnie Jean Smith and Cynthia Yongvang, Kathryn Jacobson and Jackie Mlynarczyk to the Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities. (3/20/01)
February 7th Event Honors Minnesotans Who Helped Achieve the Shift to Community Living – 2001 is the first year where all citizens with developmental disabilities are freed from institutional care facilities. (3/01/01)
2001 Training Conferences: Cosponsorship Funds Awarded – Seven Minnesota agencies/organizations were recently awarded cosponsorship funds for training conferences. These conferences will focus on leadership development, and strengthening the leadership skills of people with developmental disabilities and their families. (2/01/01)
Access Board Issues Standards for Electronic and Information Technology (2/01/01)
Negotiation skills workshop for Partners graduates (1/15/01)
The Ticket to Work and Work Incentive Advisory Panel of the Social Security Administration (SSA) is holding a series of public meetings to obtain public input across the country. To be sure that your comments are considered, SSA must receive them no later than February 26, 2001. (1/15/01)
Minnesota Attorney General Mike Hatch was recognized at the Council's October 4, 2000 meeting for the leadership he has demonstrated in supporting the civil rights of people with disabilities. (10/7/00)
The White House has a newly updated web site which will give users quicker and easier access to the wide range of on-line information and services provided by the White House. (7/7/00)
The U.S. Department of Education has announced a new Web site to showcase the government's efforts to help America's infants and preschoolers with disabilities and their families. (6/27/00)
President Clinton and Vice President Gore have announced major new "e-Government" initiatives to enhance the availability of online government information, including grant opportunities. (6/24/00)
Bill Coffelt, President of the Oaks Group has been putting together a web site devoted to the Community Imperative that will feature its history, some of the events that led to the signing, and some of the people directly involved. (6/23/00)
The Next Generation of Leadership Millennium Summit for emerging leaders 35 and under, will take place Thursday, August 17 through Saturday, August 19, 2000 at the Washington Court Hotel in Washington, D.C. (6/23/00)
Register to Vote On-Line. A web site called ELECNET has voter registration information and allows disable persons in some areas to register to vote online. (6/23/00)
State Plan FFY 2001-2003 – our proposed goals for the next three years. (4/7/00)
Disability Rights Exhibit at the Smithsonian July 6, 2000 (3/15/00)
Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities receives 1999 Minnesota Quality Award (3/15/00)
Cosponsorship Funds Awarded For Training Conferences. (3/15/00)
Subscribe to the White House Disability Outreach Listserv (2/20/00)
HCFA Determines that "the most integrated setting" standard applies to Medicaid programs (07/01/99)