Council-Sponsored Grant Activities
Partners in Policymaking Class 41
Congratulations to Class 41 Partners in Policymaking for completing Weekend #3. Jerry Mellum provided an overview of disability services; Angie Thies from the Association of Minnesota Counties described the roles and responsibilities of counties; and Commissioners Debbie Goettel, Jeffrey Jellinski, and Trista Martinson met with groups of Partners to discuss issues including employment, transportation, housing, family support, and waiver services.
2023 – 2024 Ambassadors for Respect
Ambassadors for Respect (A4R) program mid-year update
Purpose: to strengthen self-advocacy in Minnesota and bullying prevention efforts in schools.
PeaceMaker Minnesota's CHOICE, Inc Partner Program in Maple Grove hit the ground running in September and worked hard contacting schools. The Ambassador Coaches there (Robin, Mikayla and Andie) have already delivered four trainings, with four more scheduled in November. Their team has been working hard and their survey results indicate high levels of understanding in the classrooms they have trained.
Read the complete Ambassador for Respect report »