Strategies, Goals, and Objectives for New Five Year State Plan
The federal definition for this Area of Emphasis is: People get and keep employment consistent with their interests, abilities, and needs.
Minnesota Goal #1.1:
To increase the number of people with developmental disabilities who are direct employees of public or private sector businesses and to increase independence, productivity, self determination, integration, and inclusion as a result of employment.
Minnesota Objective #1.1.1:
People with developmental disabilities will be directly hired by employers in the field of digital imaging and other career options.
Performance targets:
The number of people employed and number of employers will be set for each year of the Five-Year State Plan.
Funding level:
The funding level will be set for each year of the Five-Year State Plan.
The federal definition for this Area of Emphasis is: People have the information, skills, opportunities, and support to live free of abuse, neglect, financial and sexual exploitation, and violation of their human and legal rights and the inappropriate use of restraints and seclusion. Quality assurance systems contribute to and protect self determination, independence, productivity, integration and inclusion in all facets of community life.
Minnesota Goal #2.1: Self Advocacy:
To increase the number of people with developmental disabilities actively involved in self advocacy, and to increase independence, productivity, self determination, integration, and inclusion as a result of self advocacy.
Minnesota Objective #2.1.1:
To strengthen self advocacy groups through leadership training, and participation of self advocates in cross-disability and culturally diverse coalitions.
Performance target:
The number of self advocates will be set for each year of the Five-Year State Plan.
Funding level:
The funding level will be set for each year of the Five-Year State Plan.
Minnesota Goal #2.2: Leadership Training:
To provide leadership training for families with children with developmental disabilities and adults with developmental disabilities to increase independence, productivity, self determination, integration, and inclusion.
Minnesota Objective #2.2.1:
Replicate the Partners in Policymaking® program by providing training on best practices and how to influence policymakers at the local, state, and federal levels. This objective also includes an independent external evaluation of the program, training for Partners graduates, incorporation of online learning, the listserv for Partners graduates, and employing people with developmental disabilities to create the resource packets for each weekend session of the Partners program.
Performance target:
The number of people will be set for each year of the Five-Year State Plan.
Funding level:
The funding level will be set for each year of the Five-Year State Plan.
Minnesota Objective #2.2.2:
Provide outreach, training, and introduction of the basic concepts of Partners in Policymaking to members of minority communities in collaboration with the Family Support 360 One-Stop Center funded by the ADD through a grant with the Council.
Performance target:
At least 50 families will be served during each year of the Five-Year State Plan. This number is the goal set by the ADD.
Funding level:
The grant from the ADD is $250,000 per year.
Minnesota Objective #2.2.3:
To increase the number of people who receive training at statewide conferences.
Performance target:
The number of people who participate in training conferences will be set for each year of the Five-Year State Plan.
Funding level:
The funding level will be set for each year of the Five-Year State Plan.
The federal definition for this Area of Emphasis is: The Council activities that impact all Areas of Emphasis.
Minnesota Goal #3.1: Communications:
To increase the number of people who receive information about all federal Areas of Emphasis (employment, housing, education, health care, child care, etc.) through a variety of print and electronic formats in order to increase independence, productivity, self determination, integration and inclusion.
Minnesota Objective #3.1.1:
The Council will produce and disseminate information through publications, Web sites, and online courses.
Performance target:
The number of people to be reached will be set for each year of the Five-Year State Plan.
Funding level:
The funding level will be set for each year of the Five-Year State Plan.
Minnesota Objective #3.1.2:
To increase an understanding of customer needs, requirements, expectations, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and assessment of outcomes of independence, productivity, self determination, integration and inclusion through independent research and application of the Baldrige Criteria.
Performance target:
The number of people to be surveyed will be set for each year of the Five-Year State Plan.
Funding level:
The funding level will be set for each year of the Five-Year State Plan.
The Committee reiterates the Core Values of choice, control, self determination, freedom, and treating people with developmental disabilities as equal and valued members of society.
The Committee suggests that transition and aging issues be considered; these can be addressed and incorporated within the goals identified above.
The Committee recommends that each Request for Proposal (RFP) emphasize innovation and collaboration, and choice and control in all areas; and that proposals demonstrate how each of these will be addressed in grant projects.