The mission of the Minnesota Governors Council on Developmental Disabilities (Council) is systemic change, capacity building, and advocacy activities to develop a consumer and family centered comprehensive system and coordinated array of culturally competent services, supports, and other assistance designed to achieve greater independence, productivity, integration and inclusion of people with developmental disabilities and their families in the community (IPII) – our key business results.
The Councils business is defined as information, education, and training that will build knowledge, develop skills, and change attitudes; and increase our IPII results.
Funding is provided to the State of Minnesota under the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act). These federal funds are invested in specific products and services, and the results reported annually in our Program Performance Report (PPR).
We submitted our 2000 PPR electronically to the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) on January 1, 2001. The electronic format is not an easy to read document and the numbers reported for our key business results – independence, productivity, integration and inclusion (IPII) – are not fully reflected in this format.
We reported increases in IPII results for our grant activities in a brief narrative section of the PPR. Following are highlights of the results we achieved during FFY 2000 and information about the suppliers who carried out these grant activities during this reporting period.
PLEASE NOTE: Grant recipients identified below for each activity area may not be the current grant recipients for those same activities. Please contact the Council for a current listing:
370 Centennial Office Building
658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155
(651) 296-4018 voice
(877) 348-0505 toll free
(651) 296-9962 TDDX
Email: admin.dd@state.mn.us
A total of 113 individuals (parents of children with developmental disabilities and adults with disabilities) graduated from five classes of Partners (Classes 13-17). These graduates reported an 87% increase in independence, 60% increase in productivity, and 81% increase in integration and inclusion as a result of their participation in the Partners program. The most significant was a 20% increase in productivity across three classes/two years.
There are now more than 8,715 Partners graduates nationally and internationally.
North Central Service Cooperative
200 North First Street, Suite 1
Staples, Minnesota 56479
Contact: Naomi Beachy
(800) 930-3874 (pager)
(800) 484-3874, access code 0664
(800) 627-3529 TTY
(218) 894-3045 FAX
A total of 125 Minnesota Partners graduates have participated in six workshops over two years on topics designed to improve and strengthen their personal leadership skills. Partners graduates reported an 84% increase in independence, 84% increase in productivity, and 86% increase in integration and inclusion as a result of these training sessions.
Government Training Service
400 Cedar Street, Suite 401
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
Contacts: Mary Sabatke and Carol Schoeneck
(651) 222-7409 voice
(651) 223-5307 FAX
msabatke@mngts.org or cschoeneck@mngts.org
A total of 30 young adults with developmental disabilities participated in Service Treks (a four-day "outward bound" type camping and service learning experience. Youth reported a 100% increase in independence, productivity, integration and inclusion as a result of their participation in Service Treks. A total of 20 students with developmental disabilities participated in Youth in Government (a model assembly program that gives middle school and high school youth practical experience about the functioning of the three branches of government). These students reported a 100% increase in independence, 75% increase in productivity, and 88% increase in integration and inclusion as a result of their participation in this leadership program.
Ridgedale YMCA
12301 Ridgedale Drive
Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305-1904
Contacts: Kim Erickson and Brian Hubbard
(952) 544-7708 voice
(952) 544-4765 FAX
African American Outreach: A total of 24 parents graduated from two leadership training classes. They reported a 97% increase in independence, 98% increase in productivity, and 95% increase in integration and inclusion as a result of their participation.
Institute for Minority Development
310 East 38th Street, Room 208
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55409
Contact: Ella Gross
(612) 824-1125
(612) 824-2220
Two employers were recruited for the Employment Project – Rochester Community and Technical College, and Alexandria Extrusion. Participating businesses are currently applying the Baldrige Framework and quality principles; they will receive additional training focused on the Leadership and Human Resource categories of the Framework, map out existing employment processes (such as hiring, training and development), make improvements to those processes, and increase competitive employment for people with developmental disabilities. A redesigned career directed employment system will directly connect employers with people with developmental disabilities.
Minnesota Council for Quality
2850 Metro Drive, Suite 519
Bloomington, Minnesota 55425
(952) 851-3181 voice
(952) 851-3183 FAX
Subcontractor: Bill Harreld
Quality Culture Institute
2603 Institute Road
Rochester, Minnesota 55902
Council members, and staff completed a total of 530.5 hours of training on the Baldrige Framework and quality principles to improve performance, align all activities with IPII results, and focus service design/delivery around customer needs, requirements, and expectations.
Minnesota Council for Quality
2850 Metro Drive, Suite 519
Bloomington, Minnesota 55425
(952) 851-3181 voice
(952) 851-3183 FAX
Subcontractor: Bill Harreld
Quality Culture Institute
2603 Institute Road
Rochester, Minnesota 55902
A total of 1,236 individuals participated in ten training conferences that focused on leadership development and leadership skills. Overall, they reported a 75% increase in independence, 72% increase in productivity, and 76% increase in integration and inclusion as a result of their participation in these conferences.
Ten suppliers received cosponsorship funds to plan and carry out training conferences during this reporting period. Information about suppliers who were awarded cosponsorship funds and information about training conferences is posted under WHATS NEW.
A total of 16,063 publications and 11,101 CD-ROMs were disseminated. Evaluation scores averaged 8.9 (scale of 1 to 10; 10 = highest); 99% of respondents reported that the publications were useful/helpful.