Documents from the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities

The Governor of Minnesota has designated the Minnesota Department of Administration as the agency responsible for providing administrative services for the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities.

The Council is responsible for preparing and implementing a three-year state plan describing the quality, extent, and scope of needed services being provided or to be provided to persons with developmental disabilities; monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the state plan; and reviewing state service plans for persons with developmental disabilities. Consistent with its mandate, it is also an agent for change and an advocate for the improved quality of life of people with developmental disabilities.

The Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities is comprised of 27 members. Council members are appointed by the Governor, include persons with developmental disabilities and their families, and represent principal state and local agencies, and private organizations concerned with services for people with developmental disabilities. At least half of the members are persons with a developmental disability or a representative of someone who has a developmental disability.

Documents in this section describe the values and policies of the Council as well as the Council itself. There is a collection of documents about the Council's grants program and the McKnight Foundation grants – both serve as major vehicles for promoting new approaches and system change. There is also a list of Council publications and videotapes available as of 1995, and several documents of historical interest.

3.1 Philosophy, Mission and Policy Statements
Position Statement Presents Council Position Statements on Federal/State Issues Presents Council position statements on federal/state issues GT132   Text
Testimony on Reauthorization Senate Hearing Statement Regarding Reauthorization of DD Senate hearing statement regarding reauthorization of DD GT114   Text
Information About the Council Contains purpose, mandate, and definition of DD GT095   Text
Ten Exemplary Planning Efforts Identifies best examples of human service planning GC028
Ten Characteristics of Exemplary Planning Collection of overhead slides used in presentation on planning GT038   Text
Council's Philosophy and Mission
Outlines historical background, goals and principles GC017
3.2 Grant Policy and Reports
Council's Grant Policy Identifies eligible grant activities GT097
Summary - McKnight Foundation ('88) Summarizes Year One of McKnight Foundation grants GT056
Summary - McKnight Foundation ('83) Summarizes Year Two of McKnight Foundation grants GT007   Text
Regional Site Visits FY 1980 Information collected for DD Regional Planning Program GC021
DD Service Grants 1972-1976 Highlights characteristics of 44 grant projects GC013
3.3 Employment and Career Planning
Person Centered Planning: Concept Paper Person centered planning and community involvement GT130   Text
The Career Planning Process Describes Career Planning Process GT060   Text
It's Working: MN Supported Employment Project Presents results of 10 Supported Employment Projects GC030
Employment Related Activities Grant Recipients Reports results of 12 grant recipients GT041   Text
3.4 Inclusion - Youth Leadership, Friendships, and Volunteers
Youth Leadership Describes junior high leadership program GT117   Text
SCOLA Leisure Activity Fun Guide/Fun Futures Outlines ways for integrating children with DD in leisure time GT092   Text
Friends: Manual Teaches friendship techniques GT078   Text

Friends (audio version): Download Audio File (mp3)

Person to Person: Recruitment Guide A promotional flyer explaining The Person-to-Person Program. GT057
Person to Person: Volunteer Manual Contains "The Orientation" excerpts from the handbook GT058
Person to Person: Recruitment and Training Presents strategies/materials for recruitment and training GT059
3.5 The Voucher System
Account Management Program Voucher project in Dakota County GT100   Text
Account Management Project Voucher project in Dakota County GT101   Text
3.6 Other Specific Initiatives
Quality Health Care Guide Educates care practitioners to improve quality of health services GT083   Text
SSI Working Paper Historical study on how to increase MN's SSI participation GT030   Text
Potential Funding Sources Manual identifying potential funding sources for advocates GC015
3.7 General Information
Council Publications Annotated list of publications/videotapes available as of 1995 GT129   Text
Glossary of Acronyms A handy list explaining acronyms and terms related to DD GT071
Trend Reports One-time report on program trends GT049
A Writer's Reference
Glossaries of acronyms, terms, and list of useful agencies