Complete Index of Documents

1.1 State Plans
Three-Year State Plan 1995-1997 Sets directions toward leadership GT127   Text
Three-Year State Plan 1991-1994 Sets directions toward leadership GT094   Text
Two-Year State Plan 1989-1991 Sets directions toward accountability GT077
Three-Year State Plan 1986-1989 Sets directions toward case management GT042   Text
Three-Year State Plan 1983-1986 Sets directions toward employment GT027   Text
Three-Year State Plan 1980-1983 Sets directions toward respite care GC023
State Plan 1980 Sets directions toward state-wide planning GC018
State Plan 1978 Sets directions toward advocacy GC012
State Plan 1977 Sets directions toward comprehensive planning Volume 1 GC009
Volume 2 GC010
State Plan 1976 Sets directions toward deinstitutionalization Volume 1 GC008
Volume 2 GC007
1.2 The Big Picture Documents
Minnesotans Speak Out! (1998)
State-initiated reform findings about DD structure/cost GT104   Text
1990 Report Federally required report on eligibility/consumer feedback GT084
Americans with Disability: Agenda Urges passage of 1992 Rehabilitation Act GT089   Text
A New Way of Thinking (January, 1987) Calls for "real homes, real education and real work" GT045   Text
Mental Health Commission Report Strong recommendations for reform of mental health system GT037   Text
Testimony on Medicaid Urges redirection of Medicaid toward community services GT036   Text
Early Intervention Governor's proclamation in favor of early intervention GC027
Towards a DD Policy Agenda Recommendations in six areas of services GT118   Text
Fiscal Disincentives Report Illustrates bias toward the most expensive services GT023   Text
DD and Public Policy Calls for consumer-driven system GT015   Text
Participation of Minorities in the Twin Cities Increase minority participation in employment/services GC016
A Household Survey One in seven Minnesotans have functional disabilities GC014
Community Alternatives Federally required blueprint for deinstitutionalization GC006
Progress and Promise Summarizes first year of the 1960s comprehensive plan GC004
Comprehensive Plan for MR (2 Vols.) Federally funded summary of 3 1/2 years of study
Volume 1 GC002
Volume 2 GC003
Evaluation of Regional Developmental Disabilities Councils From DD/TAS, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 75-ERD-DDT
The Evolution and Current Status of the Minnesota Developmental Disabilities Protection and Advocacy Network From Developmental Disabilities Planning Office, MN State Planning Agency 81-ECS-MSP
1.3 Policy Analysis Series (PAS): Issues Related to Welsch Consent Decree
1. Issues surrounding Welsch List of implementation issues under the Consent Decree GT001   Text
2. The Size of Community Facilities
List of 12 conflicting guidelines for size of group homes GT002   Text
3. Interagency Cooperation
Discusses trust, incentives, and barriers to cooperation GT003   Text
4. Cost Function Analysis of ICF-MR
Eight variables determine per diems GT004   Text
5. Admissions to State Hospitals
80% of admissions were for respite care GT005   Text
6. The Financial Status of DACs
Analysis of revenue/expenditure and per diems (from 1981 survey) GT008   Text
7. The Program Status of DACs
Personnel and management descriptions (from 1981 survey) GT009   Text
8. The Client Status of DAC General characteristics of the people served (from 1981 survey) GT010   Text
9. Summary of Issues of DACs Lists problems and implications for the future of DACs GT011   Text
10. Admissions to State Hospitals Behavior problems were main reasons for admissions GT012   Text
11. The Property values of ICF-MRs No changes in property values due to group homes GT013   Text
12 Nonformal Training for Personnel Inventory of the in-service training over a two-year period GT016   Text
13. Formal Training Programs Inventory of college coursework offerings GT017   Text
14. Training Needs Survey of managers and direct care staff about training needs GT018   Text
15. Cost Function Analysis of ICF-MRs
Update of Analysis of variables determining per diems GT019   Text
16. Sheltered Employment Programs Survey of 25 sheltered workshops GT020   Text
17. Financial/Client/Program Status Summary of 107 DACs status in 1982 GT021   Text
18. The Family Subsidy Program Evaluation shows effectiveness of supporting families GT022   Text
19. Cost Function Analysis of ICF-MRs Update of Analysis of variables determining per diems GT024   Text
20. Respite Care
Literature review of respite care services GT025   Text
21. RC Demonstration Project
16 respite care projects summarized GT026   Text
22. Uses of Technology
Calls for expanded use of technology GT029   Text
23. Financial/Client/Program Status
Summarizes DAC survey data from 1980 - 1984 GT046   Text
24. Case Management Study
Identifies serious problems in case management GT053
25. DACs Update
Summarizes DAC survey data in 1985 GT054
26. Supported Employment Literature
Reviews definitions, approaches and barriers to implement GT072
27. Supported Employment Grant Summarizes 17 grant projects in employment GT073
28. DACs 1987 Results Summary of DACs status in 1987 GT074
29. Day Training 1988 Results Summary of DACs status in 1988 GT076
30. Financing of Supported Employment Identifies strategies and literature related to financing GT085
1.4 PAS: Issues Related to Minnesota's State Hospitals
Minnesota State Hospitals Executive summary of 7 policy papers GT033   Text
1. State Hospital Facilities Describes building and alternative uses GT033A   Text
2. State Hospital Energy Use Describes energy use, efficiency and cost GT033B   Text
3. State Hospital Employees Describes employee survey results about future employment GT033C   Text
4. Economic Impact of State Hospitals Describes economic impact of each 8 state hospitals GT033D   Text
5. Public Opinions about State Hospitals Summarizes 9 town meetings and 400 letters GT033E   Text
6. Residents/Patients in State Hospitals Focuses on needs and characteristics of people served GT033F   Text
7. The Cost of State Hospitals Literature review, comparisons and needs approach to costs GT033G   Text
8. Options for St. Hospitals System Presents options and recommendations to Legislature GT033H   Text
1.5 Minnesota Academies for the Deaf and Blind
Study of Schools for the Deaf and Blind GC26A
Impact of Closure for Deaf and SSS GC26B
MN State Academy for the Blind GC26C
MN State Academy for the Deaf Report GC26E
Financial Structure Academy for Deaf and Blind GC26F
Governance Options for the Deaf and Blind GC26G
Organizational Options for the Deaf and Blind GC26H
State Board of Education Response GC26I
1.6 Technology
Disabilities and Technology (Executive Summary) Governor's Task Force Report recommendations GT040   Text
Disabilities and Technology (Full Report) GT039   Text
1.7 Case Management
Shaping Case Management Summary of case management grants and recommendation GT088
Historical, Current and Future Perspectives Edited book from a 1986 conference GT062
Case Management Study Focuses on training, funding, staff shortages, and evaluation GT052
Case Management Team Presents a primer on case management and techniques GT044
1.8 Family Support
Development of Family Program Presents 4 laws and 13 corollaries similar to Murphy's Law GT134   Text
Family Support: Preventing Harm Summarizes state-wide conference on how to prevent harm GT034   Text
Family Support Media Packet Makes the case for national family support GT119   Text
Family Support - A Check for Quality 4-page flyer to assess quality of family support GT108   Text
1.9 Employment and Training
Legislative Task Force on Employment GT055
Positive Learning GT067   Text
Communication for People with Severe Disabilities GT066   Text
How to Develop an Individual Plan GT065   Text
How to Position People with Severe Disabilities GT068   Text
Technological Adaptations to Increase Independence GT064   Text
Technical College Task Force Project GT111   Text
1.10 Public Information
Public Information GC011
2.1 Self Determination and Person Centered Planning
Shifting Patterns (October 1992) Approaches to empowerment and self advocacy GT103   Text
Audio Version: Download Audio File (mp3)

It's Never Too Early, It's Never Too Late (October 1989) Contains basic information about personal futures planning GT075   Text
Making Futures Happen (August 1994) Facilitator manual for personal futures planning GT124   Text
Audio Version: Download Audio File (mp3)

Listen Lady, This is MY Life (1991) Presents stories presented by PFP facilitators GT082
It's My Choice (2002) Presents tools for self determination and advocacy GT110
National Conf. on Self-Determination (1989) Presents 29 recommendations from national conference GT070
2.2 Advocacy Tools and Approaches
Making Your Case (July 1994) A practical guide to working efficiently w/ policymakers GT122   Text
Audio Version: Download Audio File (mp3)

Medical Assistance: Prior Authorization Self advocacy info to seek Medicaid GT135   Text
Ten Ways to Be More Active Teaches political activism and alliance building GT079   Text
Action, This Means War! (January 1989) Offers practical suggestions for self advocacy GT069
Test Your School's IQ Presents a quick checklist on quality of school integration GT081   Text
Test Your IQ Presents a quick checklist on quality of service orgs GT050   Text
Guide for Quality Individual Plans (July 1987) Presents a quick checklist on quality of individual plans GT047   Text
Parent Advocacy Training Manual Presents an early example of assertive advocacy approach GT031   Text
Residential Advocacy: Present and Future Suggests ways for providing community advocacy services GC025
Aids to Advocacy for Developmentally Disabled Persons: A Bibliography and Resource Guide From Developmental Disabilities Protection and Advocacy System 79-ATA-DDP
Services for People with Developmental Disabilities: A Guide for Private Funders From Metropolitan Council 83-SFP-MC
2.3 Partners in Policymaking®
Partners Restored Our Independence! A collection of testimonial letters representing various states GT126
Partners Curriculum Part I: Highlights
Contains highlights of full curriculum and competencies. GT106   Text
Partners Coordinator's Handbook Provides step-by-step guide to produce quality model GT133   Text
Partners 1992 Coordinator's Handbook Provides step-by-step guide GT099   Text
Partners 1995 Coordinator's Handbook Provides step-by-step guide GT133   Text
Partners in Policymaking Training Program
Introduction to Partners in Policymaking and PNS Grant (1990) GT086
Partners in Policymaking: Empowering People
Journal article summarizing 1987 - 1989 GT063
2.4 Advocacy Dimensions
Advocacy Dimensions Vol 1, No. 1, Fall 1979 "Biklen Keynotes Advocacy Conference" 79-AD-MSP
Advocacy Dimensions Vol. 1, No. 3, Spring 1980 "Over 200 Attend March Advocacy Conference" 80-AD-MSD
Advocacy Dimensions Vol 1, No. 4, Summer 1980 "Abuse Reporting Laws Can Make a Difference: Identification and Prevention" 80-AD-MSP
Advocacy Dimensions Vol. 2, No. 1, Fall/Winter 1980 "Consent Decree Presents Challenges to Newly Appointed Court Monitor" 80-AD-MSA
Advocacy Dimensions Vol. 1, No. 2, Winter 1980 "Head Start Programs Exceed 10 Percent Quota" 80-AD-MSP-1
3.1 Philosophy, Mission and Policy Statements
Position Statement Presents Council Position Statements on Federal/State Issues Presents Council position statements on federal/state issues GT132   Text
Testimony on Reauthorization Senate Hearing Statement Regarding Reauthorization of DD Senate hearing statement regarding reauthorization of DD GT114   Text
Information About the Council Contains purpose, mandate, and definition of DD GT095   Text
Ten Exemplary Planning Efforts Identifies best examples of human service planning GC028
Ten Characteristics of Exemplary Planning Collection of overhead slides used in presentation on planning. GT038   Text
Council's Philosophy and Mission
Outlines historical background, goals and principles GC017
3.2 Grant Policy and Reports
Council's Grant Policy Identifies eligible grant activities GT097
Summary - McKnight Foundation ('88) Summarizes Year One of McKnight Foundation grants GT056
Summary - McKnight Foundation ('83) Summarizes Year Two of McKnight Foundation grants GT007   Text
Regional Site Visits FY 1980 Information collected for DD Regional Planning Program GC021
DD Service Grants 1972-1976 Highlights characteristics of 44 grant projects GC013
3.3 Employment and Career Planning
Person Centered Planning: Concept Paper Person centered planning and community involvement GT130   Text
The Career Planning Process Describes Career Planning Process GT060   Text
It's Working: MN Supported Employment Project Presents results of 10 Supported Employment Projects GC030
Employment Related Activities Grant Recipients Reports results of 12 grant recipients GT041   Text
3.4 Inclusion - Youth Leadership, Friendships, and Volunteers
Youth Leadership Describes junior high leadership program GT117   Text
SCOLA Leisure Activity Fun Guide/Fun Futures Outlines ways for integrating children with DD in leisure time GT092   Text
Friends: Manual Teaches friendship techniques GT078   Text

Friends (audio version): Download Audio File (mp3)

Person to Person: Recruitment Guide A promotional flyer explaining The Person-to-Person Program. GT057
Person to Person: Volunteer Manual Contains "The Orientation" excerpts from the handbook GT058
Person to Person: Recruitment and Training Presents strategies/materials for recruitment and training GT059
3.5 The Voucher System
Account Management Program Voucher project in Dakota County GT100   Text
Account Management Project Voucher project in Dakota County GT101   Text
3.6 Other Specific Initiatives
Quality Health Care Guide Educates care practitioners to improve quality of health services GT083   Text
SSI Working Paper Historical study on how to increase MN's SSI participation GT030   Text
Potential Funding Sources Manual identifying potential funding sources for advocates GC015
3.7 General Information
Council Publications Annotated list of publications/videotapes available as of 1995. GT129   Text
Glossary of Acronyms A handy list explaining acronyms and terms related to DD GT071
Trend Reports One-time report on program trends GT049
A Writer's Reference
Glossaries of acronyms, terms, and list of useful agencies
4. 1 Chronology of Events
Chronology of Minnesota and National Events According to DD Newsletters GT121   Text
4.2 Information Exchange
1981   GC022
1982   GT006   Text
1983   GT014   Text
1984   GT028   Text
1985   GT032   Text
1986   GT035   Text
1987   GT043
1988   GT051
1989   GT061
4.3 Futurity (1990-95)
11/90 - 1/91
2/91 - 4/91
5/91 - 10/91
11/91 - 12/91
1/92 - 5/92
6/92 - 10/92
11/92 - 12/92
GT093    Text
GT096    Text
GT098    Text
GT102    Text
GT105    Text
GT109    Text
2/93 - 6/93
7/93 - 12/93
2/94 - 3/94
4/94 - 6/94
9/94 - 12/94
2/95 - 5/95
GT112   Text
GT115   Text
GT116   Text
GT120   Text
GT123   Text
GT125   Text
GT128   Text
GT131   Text
4.4 DD Newsletters
News Letter, Vol 1, No. 1, November 1975 "New Laws Affect Disabled" 75-NLG-PAC
News Letter, Vol 1, No. 2, February 1976 "DPW Realigns to Improve Services" 76-NLG-PAC
News Letter, Vol 1, No. 3, June, 1976 "Developmental Problems Remain, Meier Says" 76-NLG-PAA
News Letter, Vol. 1, No. 4, September, 1976 "Governor's Conference to be Held" 76-NLG-PAC-1
News Letter, Vol. 2, No. 1, Winter, 1977 "DD Office Moves to Metro Square" 77-NLG-PAC-1
News Letter, Vol 3, No. 1, Fall, 1977 "DD Council Approves New Grant Awards" 77-NLG-PAC
News Letter, Vol. 4, No. 1, Winter, 1978-1979 "Residential Services for DD Reviewed" 78-NLG-PAC
News Letter, Vol. 4, No. 2, Spring, 1979 "1978 Changes in Federal DD Law" 79-NLG-PAO
News Letter, Vol. 4, No. 3, Fall, 1979 "A View of Placement from the Practitioner" 79-NLG-PAA
News Letter, Vol. 4, No. 4, Winter 1979 "Transportation for Persons with Handicaps" 79-NLG-PAC
News Letter, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 1980 "Early Intervention" 80-NLG-PAC
News Letter, Vol. 5, No.2, Summer, 1980 "Introduction – Aging of Persons Who Have Developmental Disabilities" 80-NLG-PAA