1.1 State Plans |
Three-Year State Plan 1995-1997 |
Sets directions toward leadership |
GT127 Text |
Three-Year State Plan 1991-1994 |
Sets directions toward leadership |
GT094 Text |
Two-Year State Plan 1989-1991 |
Sets directions toward accountability |
GT077 |
Three-Year State Plan 1986-1989 |
Sets directions toward case management |
GT042 Text |
Three-Year State Plan 1983-1986 |
Sets directions toward employment |
GT027 Text |
Three-Year State Plan 1980-1983 |
Sets directions toward respite care |
GC023 |
State Plan 1980 |
Sets directions toward state-wide planning |
GC018 |
State Plan 1978 |
Sets directions toward advocacy |
GC012 |
State Plan 1977 |
Sets directions toward comprehensive planning |
Volume 1 GC009
Volume 2 GC010 |
State Plan 1976 |
Sets directions toward deinstitutionalization |
Volume 1 GC008
Volume 2 GC007 |
1.2 The Big Picture Documents |
Minnesotans Speak Out! (1998)
State-initiated reform findings about DD structure/cost |
GT104 Text |
1990 Report |
Federally required report on eligibility/consumer feedback |
GT084 |
Americans with Disability: Agenda |
Urges passage of 1992 Rehabilitation Act |
GT089 Text |
A New Way of Thinking (January, 1987) |
Calls for "real homes, real education and real work" |
GT045 Text |
Mental Health Commission Report |
Strong recommendations for reform of mental health system |
GT037 Text |
Testimony on Medicaid |
Urges redirection of Medicaid toward community services |
GT036 Text |
Early Intervention |
Governor's proclamation in favor of early intervention |
GC027 |
Towards a DD Policy Agenda |
Recommendations in six areas of services |
GT118 Text |
Fiscal Disincentives Report |
Illustrates bias toward the most expensive services |
GT023 Text |
DD and Public Policy |
Calls for consumer-driven system |
GT015 Text |
Participation of Minorities in the Twin Cities |
Increase minority participation in employment/services |
GC016 |
A Household Survey |
One in seven Minnesotans have functional disabilities |
GC014 |
Community Alternatives |
Federally required blueprint for deinstitutionalization |
GC006 |
Progress and Promise |
Summarizes first year of the 1960s comprehensive plan |
GC004 |
Comprehensive Plan for MR (2 Vols.) |
Federally funded summary of 3 1/2 years of study
Volume 1 GC002
Volume 2 GC003 |
Evaluation of Regional Developmental Disabilities Councils |
From DD/TAS, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
75-ERD-DDT |
The Evolution and Current Status of the Minnesota Developmental Disabilities Protection and Advocacy Network |
From Developmental Disabilities Planning Office, MN State Planning Agency |
81-ECS-MSP |
1.3 Policy Analysis Series (PAS): Issues Related to Welsch Consent Decree |
1. Issues surrounding Welsch |
List of implementation issues under the Consent Decree |
GT001 Text |
2. The Size of Community Facilities
List of 12 conflicting guidelines for size of group homes |
GT002 Text |
3. Interagency Cooperation
Discusses trust, incentives, and barriers to cooperation |
GT003 Text |
4. Cost Function Analysis of ICF-MR
Eight variables determine per diems |
GT004 Text |
5. Admissions to State Hospitals
80% of admissions were for respite care |
GT005 Text |
6. The Financial Status of DACs
Analysis of revenue/expenditure and per diems (from 1981 survey) |
GT008 Text |
7. The Program Status of DACs
Personnel and management descriptions (from 1981 survey) |
GT009 Text |
8. The Client Status of DAC |
General characteristics of the people served (from 1981 survey) |
GT010 Text |
9. Summary of Issues of DACs |
Lists problems and implications for the future of DACs |
GT011 Text |
10. Admissions to State Hospitals |
Behavior problems were main reasons for admissions |
GT012 Text |
11. The Property values of ICF-MRs |
No changes in property values due to group homes |
GT013 Text |
12 Nonformal Training for Personnel |
Inventory of the in-service training over a two-year period |
GT016 Text |
13. Formal Training Programs |
Inventory of college coursework offerings |
GT017 Text |
14. Training Needs |
Survey of managers and direct care staff about training needs |
GT018 Text |
15. Cost Function Analysis of ICF-MRs
Update of Analysis of variables determining per diems |
GT019 Text |
16. Sheltered Employment Programs |
Survey of 25 sheltered workshops |
GT020 Text |
17. Financial/Client/Program Status |
Summary of 107 DACs status in 1982 |
GT021 Text |
18. The Family Subsidy Program |
Evaluation shows effectiveness of supporting families |
GT022 Text |
19. Cost Function Analysis of ICF-MRs |
Update of Analysis of variables determining per diems |
GT024 Text |
20. Respite Care
Literature review of respite care services |
GT025 Text |
21. RC Demonstration Project
16 respite care projects summarized |
GT026 Text |
22. Uses of Technology
Calls for expanded use of technology |
GT029 Text |
23. Financial/Client/Program Status
Summarizes DAC survey data from 1980 - 1984 |
GT046 Text |
24. Case Management Study
Identifies serious problems in case management |
GT053 |
25. DACs Update
Summarizes DAC survey data in 1985 |
GT054 |
26. Supported Employment Literature
Reviews definitions, approaches and barriers to implement |
GT072 |
27. Supported Employment Grant |
Summarizes 17 grant projects in employment |
GT073 |
28. DACs 1987 |
Results Summary of DACs status in 1987 |
GT074 |
29. Day Training 1988 |
Results Summary of DACs status in 1988 |
GT076 |
30. Financing of Supported Employment |
Identifies strategies and literature related to financing |
GT085 |
1.4 PAS: Issues Related to Minnesota's State Hospitals |
Minnesota State Hospitals |
Executive summary of 7 policy papers |
GT033 Text |
1. State Hospital Facilities |
Describes building and alternative uses |
GT033A Text |
2. State Hospital Energy Use |
Describes energy use, efficiency and cost |
GT033B Text |
3. State Hospital Employees |
Describes employee survey results about future employment |
GT033C Text |
4. Economic Impact of State Hospitals |
Describes economic impact of each 8 state hospitals |
GT033D Text |
5. Public Opinions about State Hospitals |
Summarizes 9 town meetings and 400 letters |
GT033E Text |
6. Residents/Patients in State Hospitals |
Focuses on needs and characteristics of people served |
GT033F Text |
7. The Cost of State Hospitals |
Literature review, comparisons and needs approach to costs |
GT033G Text |
8. Options for St. Hospitals System |
Presents options and recommendations to Legislature |
GT033H Text |
2.1 Self Determination and Person Centered Planning |
Shifting Patterns (October 1992) |
Approaches to empowerment and self advocacy |
GT103 Text |
Audio Version: Download Audio File (mp3) |
It's Never Too Early, It's Never Too Late (October 1989) |
Contains basic information about personal futures planning |
GT075 Text |
Making Futures Happen (August 1994) |
Facilitator manual for personal futures planning |
GT124 Text |
Audio Version: Download Audio File (mp3) |
Listen Lady, This is MY Life (1991) |
Presents stories presented by PFP facilitators |
GT082 |
It's My Choice (2002) |
Presents tools for self determination and advocacy |
GT110 |
National Conf. on Self-Determination (1989) |
Presents 29 recommendations from national conference |
GT070 |
2.2 Advocacy Tools and Approaches |
Making Your Case (July 1994) |
A practical guide to working efficiently w/ policymakers |
GT122 Text |
Audio Version: Download Audio File (mp3) |
Medical Assistance: Prior Authorization |
Self advocacy info to seek Medicaid |
GT135 Text |
Ten Ways to Be More Active |
Teaches political activism and alliance building |
GT079 Text |
Action, This Means War! (January 1989) |
Offers practical suggestions for self advocacy |
GT069 |
Test Your School's IQ |
Presents a quick checklist on quality of school integration |
GT081 Text |
Test Your IQ |
Presents a quick checklist on quality of service orgs |
GT050 Text |
Guide for Quality Individual Plans (July 1987) |
Presents a quick checklist on quality of individual plans |
GT047 Text |
Parent Advocacy Training Manual |
Presents an early example of assertive advocacy approach |
GT031 Text |
Residential Advocacy: Present and Future |
Suggests ways for providing community advocacy services |
GC025 |
Aids to Advocacy for Developmentally Disabled Persons: A Bibliography and Resource Guide |
From Developmental Disabilities Protection and Advocacy System |
79-ATA-DDP |
Services for People with Developmental Disabilities: A Guide for Private Funders |
From Metropolitan Council |
83-SFP-MC |
2.3 Partners in Policymaking® |
Partners Restored Our Independence! |
A collection of testimonial letters representing various states |
GT126 |
Partners Curriculum Part I: Highlights
Contains highlights of full curriculum and competencies. |
GT106 Text |
Partners Coordinator's Handbook |
Provides step-by-step guide to produce quality model |
GT133 Text |
Partners 1992 Coordinator's Handbook |
Provides step-by-step guide |
GT099 Text |
Partners 1995 Coordinator's Handbook |
Provides step-by-step guide |
GT133 Text |
Partners in Policymaking Training Program
Introduction to Partners in Policymaking and PNS Grant (1990) |
GT086 |
Partners in Policymaking: Empowering People
Journal article summarizing 1987 - 1989 |
GT063 |
2.4 Advocacy Dimensions |
Advocacy Dimensions Vol 1, No. 1, Fall 1979 |
"Biklen Keynotes Advocacy Conference" |
79-AD-MSP |
Advocacy Dimensions Vol. 1, No. 3, Spring 1980 |
"Over 200 Attend March Advocacy Conference" |
80-AD-MSD |
Advocacy Dimensions Vol 1, No. 4, Summer 1980 |
"Abuse Reporting Laws Can Make a Difference: Identification and Prevention" |
80-AD-MSP |
Advocacy Dimensions Vol. 2, No. 1, Fall/Winter 1980 |
"Consent Decree Presents Challenges to Newly Appointed Court Monitor" |
80-AD-MSA |
Advocacy Dimensions Vol. 1, No. 2, Winter 1980 |
"Head Start Programs Exceed 10 Percent Quota" |
80-AD-MSP-1 |
3.1 Philosophy, Mission and Policy Statements |
Position Statement Presents Council Position Statements on Federal/State Issues |
Presents Council position statements on federal/state issues |
GT132 Text |
Testimony on Reauthorization Senate Hearing Statement Regarding Reauthorization of DD |
Senate hearing statement regarding reauthorization of DD |
GT114 Text |
Information About the Council |
Contains purpose, mandate, and definition of DD |
GT095 Text |
Ten Exemplary Planning Efforts |
Identifies best examples of human service planning |
GC028 |
Ten Characteristics of Exemplary Planning |
Collection of overhead slides used in presentation on planning. |
GT038 Text |
Council's Philosophy and Mission
Outlines historical background, goals and principles |
GC017 |
3.4 Inclusion - Youth Leadership, Friendships, and Volunteers |
Youth Leadership |
Describes junior high leadership program |
GT117 Text |
SCOLA Leisure Activity Fun Guide/Fun Futures |
Outlines ways for integrating children with DD in leisure time |
GT092 Text |
Friends: Manual |
Teaches friendship techniques |
GT078 Text |
Friends (audio version): Download Audio File (mp3)
Person to Person: Recruitment Guide |
A promotional flyer explaining The Person-to-Person Program. |
GT057 |
Person to Person: Volunteer Manual |
Contains "The Orientation" excerpts from the handbook |
GT058 |
Person to Person: Recruitment and Training |
Presents strategies/materials for recruitment and training |
GT059 |
4.4 DD
Newsletters |
News Letter, Vol 1, No. 1, November 1975 |
"New Laws Affect Disabled" |
75-NLG-PAC |
News Letter, Vol 1, No. 2, February 1976 |
"DPW Realigns to Improve Services" |
76-NLG-PAC |
News Letter, Vol 1, No. 3, June, 1976 |
"Developmental Problems Remain, Meier Says" |
76-NLG-PAA |
News Letter, Vol. 1, No. 4, September, 1976 |
"Governor's Conference to be Held" |
76-NLG-PAC-1 |
News Letter, Vol. 2, No. 1, Winter, 1977 |
"DD Office Moves to Metro Square" |
77-NLG-PAC-1 |
News Letter, Vol 3, No. 1, Fall, 1977 |
"DD Council Approves New Grant Awards" |
77-NLG-PAC |
News Letter, Vol. 4, No. 1, Winter, 1978-1979 |
"Residential Services for DD Reviewed" |
78-NLG-PAC |
News Letter, Vol. 4, No. 2, Spring, 1979 |
"1978 Changes in Federal DD Law" |
79-NLG-PAO |
News Letter, Vol. 4, No. 3, Fall, 1979 |
"A View of Placement from the Practitioner" |
79-NLG-PAA |
News Letter, Vol. 4, No. 4, Winter 1979 |
"Transportation for Persons with Handicaps" |
79-NLG-PAC |
News Letter, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 1980 |
"Early Intervention" |
80-NLG-PAC |
News Letter, Vol. 5, No.2, Summer, 1980 |
"Introduction – Aging of Persons Who Have Developmental Disabilities" |
80-NLG-PAA |